Communications Standing Committee Responsibilities

The Communication Committee is responsible for assessing and making recommendations regarding the University’s internal/external communication strategies and practices; providing/receiving feedback to/from University Council on systematic communication issues; tracking issues that have a direct institution-wide impact and recommend action as appropriate; gathering feedback from constituents that each committee member represents and bring attention to issues for consideration by the whole committee in collaboration with staff, contract professionals, faculty and students in appropriate departments.  These recommendations shall be forwarded to University Council for consideration.

Committee Members

* UC Members

Members Constituent Groups
Tammy Ewin, Appointed Administrator Administrator
Kris Kraft, Co-Chair Chairs/School Directors
Ally Temsey, Co-Chair Professional Staff Advisory Committee
Tiffany Schmidt, Secretary Professional Staff Advisory Committee
Rhiannon Kallis Faculty Senate
Andrew Thomas Faculty Senate
TBD Staff Employee Advisory Committee
Kim Wise Staff Employee Advisory Committee
Mitchell McKinney Deans
Asal Siavoshani Graduate Student Government
TBD Graduate Student Government
vacant Undergraduate Student Government
Nicholas Senko Undergraduate Student Government