Budget and Finance Standing Committee Responsibilities

The Budget and Finance Committee is responsible for studying, monitoring and making recommendations to University Council on the development of all university budget, finance and purchasing policies and resource allocations in collaboration with staff, contract professionals and faculty in appropriate departments. These recommendations shall be forwarded to the University Council for consideration.

Committee Members

* UC Members

Members Constituent Groups
Misty Villers, Appointed Administrator* Administrator
Linda Saliga, Chair*  Chair/School Directors
TBD, Vice Chair
Kelly Bialek, Secretary Professional Staff Advisory Committee
Abbey Shiban Professional Staff Advisory Committee
Aimee DeChambeau Deans
Don Visco

Faculty Senate

Scott Dilling

Faculty Senate

Nikolina Kravaljaca Graduate Student Government
Asal Siavoshani Graduate Student Government
Dominic Cardarelli Staff Employee Advisory Committee
TBD Staff Employee Advisory Committee
Matthew Howell Undergraduate Student Government
Samuel Stillion Undergraduate Student Government