University to close January 3 at 2:30 p.m.

The University of Akron Main Campus and Wayne Campus will close today at 2:30 p.m. due to periodically worsening road conditions in Akron and northern Summit County.

See complete details.

Ad Hoc Social Engagement Committee (February 2022 - present)

Created in 2022 to develop opportunities for the UA community to come together at events and to encourage interaction with other members of campus.  Events have included Halloween Gatherings at the Student Union with bowling, snacks and a visit with Zippy and Food Truck gatherings.  

Committee Members

Michele Novachek Development
Dorothy Gruich Cummings Center
Regena Ellis Nursing
Brett Heller Student Union

Ad Hoc Human Development Committee (10/10/17 - May 2018)

The ad hoc Human Development Committee was created to look at how UA acknowledges human develop across campus in terms of academic programs and degrees as well as practical experiences for students. This will include issues of child care for students and faculty and training opportunities for students. 

Ad Hoc Text Book Committee (11/8/16 - 6/11/19)

The ad hoc Text Book Committee was created to help find ways to increase textbook affordability for students.

  • June 11, 2019:  Aimee deChambeau and Steve Kauffman updated UC on Affordable Learning Initiatives.
  • April 10, 2018:  UC endorsed a resolution to encourage faculty to consider adopting or developing affordable textbook alternatives that will increase textbook affordability for students and it was sent to Faculty Senate for consideration.

Ad Hoc Web Accessibility Committee (5/8/18 - 4/9/19)

The ad hoc Web Accessibility Committee was created to work in collaboration with University Communications & Marketing (UCM), the Office of Accessibility and the Accessibility Committee of the Faculty Senate to develop a policy and determine how it will be implemented and supported within the organizational structure of The University of Akron.

Ad Hoc Outreach and Recruitment Committee (12/5/17 - 3/6/18)

Th ad hoc Outreach and Recruitment Committee was created to help UA improve in the areas of outreach and recruitment.