Rebecca J. Erickson, Ph.D.
Title: Professor of Sociology and Chair, Departments of Anthropology & Sociology
Dept/Program: Departments of Anthropology and Sociology
Office: Olin Hall 247B
Phone: (330) 972-5157
Curriculum Vitae: Download in PDF format
Dr. Erickson investigates the experience and management of emotion within occupational and family contexts. In general, her work examines how emotional experiences vary across social status positions and how such differences affect the mental and physical health of individuals along with their interpersonal relationships. Using multiple methods (e.g., surveys, interviews, audio diaries), and funded by such organizations as the National Science Foundation and the Health Resources and Services Administration, Dr. Erickson’s research has primarily focused on the experiences of registered nurses and how the emotional demands of the nursing profession impact nurses’ health. Most recently, she and her colleague Matt Lee have been working on the development of a replicable measure of compassion capability and an intervention strategy for evaluating and promoting the routine practices that promote empathy and compassion among those working in the caring professions as well as to enhance the compassion capability of the organizations themselves.
Re-imagining Public Safety in Akron, Ohio – project in support of an Akron City Council initiative
Increasing Compassion Capability in Organizations
Gabriel, Allison Stephanie, Rebecca J. Erickson, James M. Diefendorff, Daniel Krantz. 2020. “When Does Feeling in Control Benefit Well-Being? The Boundary Conditions of Identity Commitment and Self-Esteem.” Journal of Vocational Behavior 119.
Cottingham, Marci D. and Rebecca J. Erickson. 2020. “Capturing Emotion with Audio Diaries.” Qualitative Research 20(5): 549-564.
Cottingham, Marci D., Jamie J. Chapman, and Rebecca J. Erickson. 2020. “The Constant Caregiver: Work-Family Spillover Among Men and Women in Nursing.” Work, Employment and Society 34(2):281-298.
Cottingham, Marci D. and Rebecca J. Erickson. 2020. “The Promise of Emotion Practice: At the Bedside and Beyond.” Work and Occupations 47(2):173-199.
Cottingham, Marci D., Austin Johnson, and Rebecca J. Erickson. 2018, “‘I can never be too comfortable’: Race, Gender, and Emotion at the Hospital Bedside.” Qualitative Health Research 28(1):145-158. doi: 10.1177/1049732317737980
Dill, Janette, Rebecca J. Erickson, and James M. Diefendorff. 2016, “Motivation in Caring Labor: Implications for the Well-being and Employment Outcomes of Care Workers.” Social Science & Medicine 167 (October): 99-106.
Risman, Kelsey, Rebecca J. Erickson, and James M. Diefendorff. 2016. “The Impact of Person-Organization Fit on Nurse Job Satisfaction and Patient Care Quality.” Applied Nursing Research 31:121-125.
Grant, Don, Rebecca J. Erickson, Beth Duckles, Christine Sheikh. 2016. “Affirming Selves through Styles of Care: When, How, and Why Hospital Workers Craft Different Patient Cultures.” Social Problems 63(2): 180-202.
Ph.D. Sociology, Washington State University, 1991
Introduction to Sociology
Sociological Theory
Sociology of Mental Illness
Career Pathways in Social Science