Wilson R. Huhn
Title: Distinguished Professor of Law, Emeritus
Email: whuhn@uakron.edu
Selected Works - bepress:
Wilson R. Huhn is Professor of Law, Emeritus. He served as Associate Director of the Constitutional Law Center at The University of Akron School of Law from 2007 to 2014.
He earned his B.A. at Yale University and his J.D., cum laude, at Cornell University, where he was a member of the Cornell Law Review.
Prior to joining the Akron Law faculty in 1984, Professor Huhn served as law clerk for the late Judge Leo A. Jackson in the 8th District Court of Appeals and as an associate at Squire, Sanders and Dempsey.
Professor Huhn's book "ObamaCare: Is It Necessary, What Will It Accomplish, Is It Constitutional" (Carolina Academic Press 2012) is available in electronic format for Kindle.
His book "The Five Types of Legal Argument" (Carolina Academic Press, 2002, 2008) is required reading at a number of law schools nationally.
During 2011-12 Professor Huhn coordinated the writing of and submitted appellate briefs to the Sixth Circuit, the Ninth Circuit, and the United States Supreme Court in defense of affirmative action and the Affordable Care Act.
Other recent publications include A Higher Law: Abraham Lincoln’s Use of Religious Imagery, 13 Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion 1-62 (2011); Abraham Lincoln’s Influence on the Modern Supreme Court, 36 Oklahoma City University Law Review 555-605 (2011); The Constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Under the Commerce Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause, 32 Journal of Legal Medicine 139-165 (2011), The Constitutionality of “Socialized Medicine” 15 Michigan State University Journal of Medicine and Law 299-336 (2011), Constantly Approximating Popular Sovereignty: Seven Fundamental Principles of Constitutional Law, 19 William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal 291 (2010); The Legacy of Slaughterhouse, Bradwell, and Cruikshank in Constitutional Interpretation, 42 Akron Law Review 1051 (2009); Cross Burning as Hate Speech Under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, 2 Amsterdam Law Forum vol. 1 19 (2009) (online journal); Ten Questions on Gay Rights and Freedom of Religion, Akron Journal of Constitutional Law and Policy (online journal) (July 31, 2009); Abraham Lincoln Was a Framer of the Constitution, 86:3 Washington University Law Review (Slip Opinions, online journal) (March 12, 2009); Waterboarding Is Illegal, Washington University Law Review (Slip Opinions, online journal) (May 10, 2008); Congress Has the Power to Enforce the Bill of Rights Against the Federal Government: Therefore FISA is Constitutional and the President's Terrorist Surveillance Program Is Illegal, 16 William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal 537 (2007); In Defense of the Roosevelt Court, 2 Florida A & M University Law Review 1 (2007); The State Action Doctrine and the Principle of Democratic Choice, 34 Hofstra Law Review (2006); and The Constitutional Jurisprudence of Sandra Day O'Connor: A Refusal to "Foreclose the Unanticipated", 39 Akron Law Review 373-415 (2006).
The graduating class selected Professor Huhn Outstanding Professor of the Year in 1987, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2005 and 2008, the Akron law alumni awarded him the Outstanding Publication prize in 2004 and 2006, and the law faculty named him the "Most Valuable Player" for his contributions to legal scholarship, 2001-03.
Professor Huhn volunteers his time on community boards and is active organizing and coaching adaptive recreation programs for youths with special needs.
View Professor Huhn's postings on the Akron Law Cafe blog.